Should You Choose a Public Defender or a Private Attorney?

Should You Choose a Public Defender or a Private Attorney?
Being charged with a crime can be a scary situation. When it happens, you're faced with a multitude of decisions you may never have had to make before; all of which can have extreme repercussions on your future. One of the first questions you'll face, and arguably the one that has the most bearing on your future, is whether to hire a private attorney or to go with a public defender. Public Defenders: The Pros Everyone has the right to legal representation under US law, but finding it can b...

Retail Sale of Cats and Dogs Illegal in California

Retail Sale of Cats and Dogs Illegal in California
This January 1st, a few new laws came into effect both in California and nationally. Here are a just a few from Santa Clarita Bail Bonds. In a sharp blow to the much-maligned puppy mill industry, California has just become the first state in the US to ban retail sale of cats and dogs from the controversial breeders. As of January 1st, 2019, pet stores in California will only be able to sell cats, dogs, and rabbits that come from local rescue groups, shelters, or animal control agencies. The s...

Santa Clarita Bail Bonds for Robbery Charges

In a recent and rather bizarre case, a woman was arrested outside a bank for an alleged robbery. According to the suspect, a man outside with a small child gave the note to the woman and demanded she obtain money from the bank or he was going to harm the child. During the robbery, the suspect went through a change of heart and returned the money to the teller; unfortunately for her, police were already on their way. Investigators are currently trying to figure out if the suspect's story is true ...