Can You Bail Yourself Out?

Can You Bail Yourself Out?
When someone is arrested and taken into custody, getting out is usually their first priority. One of the fastest ways to do that is with a bail bond. A bail bond, or surety bond, is an inexpensive alternative to paying the full amount of bail in order to obtain one's release from jail. Arrestees frequently rely on family and friends to bail them out via bail bond, but the arrestee can do it themselves if they meet certain requirements (such as not being deemed a danger to the community if rel...

Do Juveniles Need Santa Clarita Bail Bonds?

Do Juveniles Need Santa Clarita Bail Bonds?
Suspects under the age of 18 are typically considered juveniles in the eyes of the law, and the rules surrounding bail are different for them. When it comes to adults, the legal process for getting them out of jail is pretty cut-and-dry. An adult can access bail bonds to get them out of jail as soon as the arrest and booking process is over. Juveniles cannot. As a matter of fact, they don't even have access to the bail system. Most of the crimes juveniles are charged with are minor misdemeano...

New California Laws Enacted July 2024

New California Laws Enacted July 2024
Recently, several new laws have been enacted in the state that will likely affect most citizens one way or another. Many of these laws were passed with the intention of protecting consumers, though not all of them. Learn more about some of them below. SB 244 Your right to repair is enshrined in law now thanks to SB 244. Manufacturers are now required to provide repair shops and consumers with tools, spare parts, and the technical knowledge necessary to be able to fix various appliances and gad...