Santa Clarita Road Rager Sought for Firing at SUV

Photo By Beelgin
A woman was driving her SUV with her family inside in Santa Clarita when she casually decided to use her vehicle's windshield washer. When she did so, some of the liquid sprayed onto a neighboring car, sparking outrage. The driver of the neighboring car, a grey Honda Civic, pulled up alongside the SUV and motioned to the driver to roll down her window. When she did, the man in the Honda yelled at her for splashing his new car with her windshield washer fluid. The woman apologized and rolled up h...

California Assault with a Deadly Weapon Charges

Photo By Andrew Plumb
It may seem surprising, but people are brought up on California assault with a deadly weapon charges in Santa Clarita all the time. If that makes you nervous, just wait a minute and let us explain. Some cases of assault with a deadly weapon are exactly that: an individual had a deadly weapon in their possession, something like a knife, a baseball bat or a crowbar, and they attempted to use it to harm someone else. However, according to the wording of the law, just about anything can be considere...

Santa Clarita Deputies Arrest Suspected Flasher

Photo By Karyn Christner
Recently, Santa Clarita deputies arrested a suspected flasher in Canyon Country. Before the arrest, deputies had received several reports of a flasher in the area and had been actively working on identifying who it was. The man, Christopher Williams, was arrested without incident and taken to the Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff Station. Indecent exposure is covered under California Penal Code 314 PC and is described as willfully exposing one's genitals to another person, either for the exposing ...