Movies and television would lead you to believe that warrants are issued as a result of a lengthy investigation into serious crimes. In reality, it doesn't take much to have a warrant out for your arrest, and they're issued all the time. One obvious example of when a warrant is issued is when you're a suspect in a crime. Another example is when you miss a court date. If you were scheduled to appear in court for any reason, even for unpaid parking tickets, and you fail to appear, a warrant will b...
Bail Bonds
What You Should Know About Santa Clarita Bail Hearings
Here's what you should know about Santa Clarita bail hearings:
Bail is set according to the Los Angeles County Bail Schedule - a list of suggested bail amounts that will vary from crime-to-crime. When someone is bailed out shortly after their arrest, the bail amount will be based on what is listed in the LA County Bail Schedule. However, if an individual remains in jail, they will go before a judge within a few days to attend a bail hearing.
At a bail hearing, a judge will decide whether o...
Understanding the Bail Bond Process in Santa Clarita
Immediately after someone is arrested, they will be booked and processed into the Los Angeles County jail system. They'll have their photograph taken, fingerprints recorded and a national background check will be conducted to look for additional warrants or any other possible holds through Livescan. The procedure is conducted at the Santa Clarita Sheriff Station and can take anywhere from 2 hours if the station is slow, to several hours if it's busy. The final step is to set the defendants bail,...