Santa Clarita Sheriff Station Report – Aiding and Abetting

Santa Clarita Sheriff Station Report - Aiding and Abetting
Being loyal is an admirable quality, but too much can get you into trouble. Recently, the Santa Clarita Sheriff Station made a post on their Facebook page detailing someone's arrest and subsequent charge of felony aiding and abetting. The post reads: "You’ve got to draw the line with your friends when it comes to upholding the law. Deputies were trying to a catch a suspect — the “suspect’s friend” found out we were looking for him, and tipped him off. Well, guess what? When we found out, we arr...

Santa Clarita Bail Bonds at Twin Towers Jail

New SCV Sheriff Station Nearly Open
When someone is arrested in or around Santa Clarita, their first destination will be the Santa Clarita Sheriff Station where they undergo booking and processing. The process can take a few hours to complete, and once it does the defendant will be held at the SCV Sheriff Station jail for up to 72 hours. If the defendant isn't bailed out within that time period, or if the on-site jail becomes overcrowded, inmates will begin to be transferred to a larger, long-term holding facility in downtown Los ...

Suspected Trespasser Taken to Hospital in Valencia

Suspected Trespasser Taken to Hospital in Valencia
Security guards patrolling the Packard Humanities Institute, a large private film vault near College of the Canyons in Valencia, called SCV Sheriff Station deputies at around 2:22 pm when they noticed an unauthorized person on the premises. The suspected trespasser was first confronted by the security guards, though he proved to be uncooperative, and a fight broke out when deputies arrived. Once the suspect was detained, he was taken by AMR to a nearby hospital to be treated. Trespassing is c...