How Fast Is Bail Set?

How Fast Is Bail Set
Have you ever wondered: "how long does it take to set bail?" When a friend or loved one has been arrested and taken into custody, you probably want them out as fast as can be. However, nobody can be bailed out of jail before bail has been set. Read on to learn more about how fast bail is set. Setting Bail After Arrest Generally, when someone is arrested, bail is set pursuant to the Los Angeles County Bail Schedule. For some people, bail will be set at the end of the booking and processing p...

Santa Clarita Bail Bonds at Night?

Do You Have Any Rights While in Custody?
Suppose one evening you're lounging in on the cough dozing off when your phone rings. Someone you know has been arrested and taken into custody. You may want to get them out of jail fast, but business hours have long been over. Can you still get Santa Clarita Bail Bonds at night? Yes! How to Obtain a Santa Clarita Bail Bond at Night Anyone who is arrested most likely wants to get out of jail as fast as they can, and that usually means calling your local bail bondsman. There are other option...

Smash-and-Grab Hits SCV

Smash-and-Grab Hits SCV
Recently, a spate of smash-and-grab robberies has been occurring across the country. Businesses in numerous areas have been hit, and now Santa Clarita is one of them. A high-end shoe store at Valencia Town Center was hit last weekend. According to reports, Undisputed Sole was hit at 3:30 am and several pairs of expensive shoes were stolen - some of which included only the left shoe. Glass was shattered near the entrance to the store where the four suspects gained entrance. The suspects remain...