Santa Clarita Valley Sheriff’s Station to Host “Safe Shred” Event Nov. 7th

Hardware photo credit goes to Daniel OinesThe “Safe and Secure Collection Event” will take place Saturday, November 7th.

Around this time of year, every year, the spotlight is put on identity theft and how to minimize your risk of falling victim to it. One way in which the Santa Clarita Sheriff’s Station helps members of the community limit their risk is to periodically hold “Safe and Secure Collection Events.”

Identity thieves love to get a hold of your old mail, bank statements, and even computers to scour the data therein. They’re on the hunt for sensitive information like credit card info, bank account numbers and social security numbers which they can use to drain bank accounts, sign up for credit cards, and any other number of nefarious deeds that can, and will, make life very, very difficult for their victims.

The next “Safe and Secure Collection Event” will take place Saturday, November 7th at the Valencia Town Center parking lot, at the corner of Citrus and Magic Mountain Parkway, from 7:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. During the event, residents will be allowed to turn over up to 5 11” x 12” by 15” boxes containing sensitive documents as well as electronic devices like hard drives, computers, televisions, or that old VCR you’ve been meaning to take to the Goodwill since 2008.

The “Safe and Secure Collection Events” and the services they provide are all free of charge. If you have questions, call the Santa Clarita Sheriff Station at 661-255-1121 or visit