Santa Clarita Bail Bonds

Apple Store at Valencia Town Center Burglarized for Second Time

Apple Store at Valencia Town Center Burglarized for Second Time

Last Wednesday, August 8th, at just after 11:30 am, four thieves entered the Apple Store at the Valencia Town Center and stole several laptops. According to witnesses, the thieves entered the store, cut the security cords on several display laptops, and took off running to an awaiting vehicle outside. As they sped away, LASD deputies caught up with the vehicle on the I-5 Northbound, though the pursuit was called off near Pyramid Lake for safety reasons.

The brazen act was similar to another incident at the Apple Store that occurred less than a month ago where 3 suspects entered the Apple Store and essentially did the same thing. The two burglaries are thought to be connected and to have been committed by the same suspects.

If caught, the suspects will likely be charged with violating California Penal Code 487 PC – California’s “grand theft” law. A crime is considered a “grand theft” if the value of the item(s) stolen is worth more than $950. If the value is less than or equal to $950, it’s typically considered “petty theft.” PC 487 is a “wobbler,” meaning it can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony depending on the circumstances surrounding the case and the defendant’s prior criminal history. If charged as a misdemeanor, the possible penalties include up to 1 year in county jail. Felony penalties include felony probation with up to 1 year in county jail, or 16 months to 3 years in county jail.

A judge will set bail for grand theft charges at about $20,000, provided that the amount of theft is not over $50,000. If it is, the bail is increased to $45,000, and can be as high as $120,000 if the amount stolen is greater than or equal to $1 million dollars.

It is unlikely the thieves will steal that many computers.

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